Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Nights like these..

These long, uneventful,and just very somber nights are what always get me. The time being 11:47 p.m. and all i have to keep myself company with is my computer and my thoughts, so heres what's on my mind for anyone who is reading this...I am such a difficult person, hard to understand, and impossible to read, I wish i was simple minded, but i am far from it. I hate it, it's pushed so many people away from me  because after awhile everyone just stops trying to figure me out, so they quit on me. It's a repetitive process, and i wanna do something to fix it this time, because I've found something I actually care about, something so real, and it's slipping away. I hate admitting i need something, let alone someone in this case, but I need you. We all need someone, realizing that...is the hard part doe.

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